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3 Best Value SEO Training Course In Singapore

My top 3 pick from 30 courses to save you time.

Ask Training

Self disclosure: I am a SEO trainer wth ASK Training

Strong Points
– WSQ approved, 2 days instructor Led
– Project Management Framework
– In-depth Technical SEO Audit
– Keyword research methodology
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Equinet Academy

Strong Points
– WSQ approved, 2 days instructor Led
– Keyword research modelling and practice
– Content marketing Strategies
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Ngee Ann Polytechnic

Strong Points
– Skillsfuture funding, 2 days training
– Aligning business value with right keyword
– content creation that attracts engagement
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35 Experts Lead Generation Round Up

Lead generation is, without a doubt, an important part of our business. However, many businesses struggle to do just that. In the 2017 State of Inbound Report, it is reported that at least 6 out of 10 businesses  find generating traffic and leads to be their top marketing challenge

Though the staggering figure is taunting, I am not too quick to give up. While the number is indeed big, it is not absolute, which means that there are businesses around us who do not identify with this problem.

So, over the month, I’ve reached out to 35 experts in the field and asked them one simple question:

“What are the three things a company should do to generate leads?”

And, boy, the responses I got back were nothing short of amazing! I’ve included all of their responses below. Read on and be inspired!

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3 Web Analytic Metrics for Busy People like You

Busy People's Top 3 Web Analytics Metrics

Web analytics is an area of our business that we know is important.

Yet at the same time, many of us find that checking our analytics data tends to be the last thing that gets done. We blame this on the bustle of our business and how the quick pace of our society has been ingrained into our work ethos.

In web analytics, there are many metrics that can be measured, tracked and compared. However, for a busy person, like you, you may find that you do not have the time to look through all of these metrics.

Here are three web analytic metrics that you should pay attention to even if you lack the time.

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Blogger Outreach The Right Way

Blogger outreach
If you are like me trying to expand your outreach but have been hitting the wall …. this will help you. Seven pointers making sure you hit the nail on the head when it comes to outreach, no more guessing ……
Ever struggled to find resources for blogger outreach? We have gathered some of the best resources from the web, some are my favorite and have help me to aviod the pitfalls of failure. I am sure it will help you too.
No time to read this Definitive Blogger Outreach Guide, no worries …. take a quick look at the step by step breakdown below
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